Radio actualEs una medida utilizada para establecer la capacidad de una empresa de vender sus activos tangibles para pagar su deuda a corto plazo. El índice circulante es útil para establecer la posición de liquidez de una empresa.
Rally It is a period in which a price of an asset experiences sustained upward movement. A rally usually happens after a period in which prices have been flat, traded in a narrow band, or experienced a drop.
Range It is the difference between a market’s highest and lowest price in a given period. Range is an indicator of volatility. If the range at the market is wide, this means that it is volatile.
Ratio de apalancamientoEs una medida utilizada por los inversores para establecer el apalancamiento financiero de una empresa, que es la cantidad de fondos adquiridos a través de préstamos de acreedores, en comparación con los fondos adquiridos a través de capital social.
Reserva FederalEste término se refiere a los Bancos de la Reserva Federal o Feds. Es el banco central el que está a cargo de la estabilidad financiera en Estados Unidos.
Reserves These are the liquid assets set aside for future use by an individual, business, or central bank. Reserves are usually currencies or gold. For traders, reserves are kept in cash that is quickly accessed.
Resistance Level It is the point on a price chart at which an upward price trajectory is checked by an overwhelming inclination to sell the asset. If a market price is close to a resistance level, a trader can close his or her position taking the profit instead of waiting for the price to fall back.
Return on Capital Employed (ROCE) It is a long-term profitability ratio measuring how effectively a company uses its capital. The metric tells you the profit generated by each dollar or any other currency used.
Reversal It is a turnaround in the price movement of an asset; that is, when an upward trend becomes a downward trend or vice versa.
Risk Management It is the process of identifying potential risks in a trader’s investment portfolio and taking steps to minimize them.
Risks These are the ways in which an investment can bring losses to a trader.
RolloverIt is the process of keeping a position open beyond its expiry.